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Transferring Your Credits into 博彩网址大全’s 专业进修学院

Save time and money on the way to earning your degree online at the Saint Louis University 专业进修学院. 我们提供一个慷慨的信用转移政策,价值 both traditional and non-traditional learning—in the classroom, at work, in the military 从生活经验来看

看看有什么可能. 在博彩网址大全迈出下一步.

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How it Works 
We strive to make the credit transfer process as seamless as possible, so you can 关注最重要的事情——你的教育.

  1.  研究并选择你想要的 SPS学位课程
  2. 看看可以转移哪些学分. 探索接受的学分.
  3. 收集你以前学校的成绩单. 下载我们的成绩单申请表.
  4. 启动录取程序. Apply now.
  5. Meet with your dedicated academic coach (after admission) to discuss your transcripts 最后确定你的学术计划.

有具体的转学分问题吗? 博彩网址大全的学生参与协调员 at 314-977-2330.


每个信用转移情况都是不同的. 当你申请博彩网址大全时,我们会 evaluate your unique transcripts and experience to help you get as much credit as possible.

Note that the number of total transfer credit hours (across all forms of prior learning) cannot exceed those permitted by Saint Louis University, SPS or the specific program 信用将被计算在内. 请参阅下面的详细信息.


Transfer most of the coursework you’ve taken at an accredited community college or 进入你在SPS的学士课程.

  •  社区大学学分: We welcome up to 64 transfer credit hours from community colleges. 课程采取 at a two-year institution that may be applied toward your intended major will be evaluated 由相应的项目主管进行学分转换.
  • 获得认可的四年制大学的学分: We welcome up to 90 transfer credit hours from accredited four-year institutions.
  • 副学士(A)学分.A. or A.S.) Degrees: Provided that grades are "C" or better, a balanced associate degree (maximum of 64 credit hours) may be accepted in lieu of SPS’s core requirements—with the exception of required philosophy and theology courses, which must be completed in their entirety 每门课六个学分. 这项政策不适用于社会工作项目, 哪个有预设的核心要求.

什么是“平衡的”副学士学位? A balanced A.A. or A.S. 学位包括至少一门经批准的三学分 college-level course from each of the core curriculum areas of the school. Applicants 符合这一标准的人可以以初级身份被录取.


Demonstrate your mastery of introductory college-level material by taking an examination through one of the higher education industry’s widely adopted and respected examination services. 

  •  大学水平考试计划(CLEP)测试: Choose from 34 examinations and receive college credit for what you already know through 大学理事会的CLEP项目——只需要一门课程费用的一小部分. CLEP考试可以通过 博彩网址大全的电磁测试中心 或任何其他经批准的CLEP测试机构.
  • 科目标准化考试(DSST): Nationally recognized, the DSST program allows military personnel and veterans to 测试并获得过去的经验和培训. 如果你参加了休班, voluntary education programs of the Department of Defense, you may receive credit 用于在现役军人或预备役期间所修的课程. 可以参加DSST考试 through the SPS劳动力中心 或任何其他认可的DSST测试提供商.
  •  美国教育委员会(ACE)学习评估: As a nationally recognized coordinating body for the nation’s colleges and universities, ACE为学生提供了一种获得学分的方式 for education and training obtained outside of the classroom including courses, exams, apprenticeships and other types of nontraditional forms of training. ace批准的清单 课程和学分建议可以在 Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces and 国家培训项目教育学分指南.

Note that all exams must be taken prior to the course for which the exam is intended to replace, and the maximum number of credit hours you may obtain from all on-collegiate 来源,包括内部(e).g.(实习)及外部考试成绩为30分或 多达10门课程. 

Transcripts are reviewed and credit recommendations are made based on the content 关于课程或训练的. 博彩网址大全项目主席和主任做最后的批准 这些课程是可以转学的.


Industry certifications that will be accepted for credit must possess two characteristics:

  • An agency or organization must accredit and recognize the certification
  • A test must be included as a prerequisite for receiving the certification

These certifications can be completed prior to enrolling in SPS or while you are currently enrolled. Note that the maximum number of credit hours you may obtain from all non-collegiate 来源,包括内部(e).g.(实习)及外部考试成绩为30分或 多达10门课程.

  • Only college-level transfer courses with a grade C or above will be considered for acceptance and application toward a Saint Louis University degree. 
  • The cumulative GPA for transfer courses is calculated on all grades from college-level 参加过的所有学院课程. 
  • In the case of repeated transfer courses, grades will be calculated according to the 开设这两门课程的机构的政策. 
  • Only transfer credits from regionally accredited institutions will be considered for 转学到博彩网址大全. 
  • 社区大学可转换学时的上限为64学时. 最大数量 of transferable credit hours from an accredited four-year institution is 90. 
  • Developmental, secretarial and highly technical courses of an applied nature may not transfer. 
  • Due to Saint Louis University School of Business AACSB accreditation standards, School for 专业的研究 students may not apply more than 30 credit hours of business-related 获得学位的课程. 
  • Transfer course work will be evaluated and accepted in relationship to the specific SPS学位. 为了将学分转到课程中 major or minor fields, the transferring coursework must have been completed within ten years. Classes that meet core curriculum and elective requirements will be accepted, regardless of age, unless the course is required for your major or minor. Special considerations for specific classes will be examined on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Pending English placement tests, English credits may transfer in as general electives 但是所有的学生都必须在博彩网址大全学习英语2005. 
  • Official course evaluations will be performed after all official transcripts and supporting 文件已收到. 然后完成正式的学术计划 确定你的学位所接受的课程.

从今天开始建设你的未来. 在博彩网址大全在线获得学位. 

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